Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Primary colours

Open primaries seem to be in vogue. To sure the Conservative open primary worked splendidly in Totnes and gave the Conservative candidate a whiff of Westminster which she might otherwise not have had.

But let us be clear: open primaries are not and should not be seen as a panacea to fix all of Britain’s political ills.

Cost is a concern but it comes way down the list. Why have an open primary? That question must be answered before they are rolled out across the country.

All of those involved in politics have encountered the wall of disinterest, suspicion and scepticism at some point (and if you have not you must share your secret!)

But these feelings cannot be banished by a wave of the reform wand. To some extent open primaries are a knee jerk reaction to the lingering expenses situation. There is no way that the Totnes "experiment" would have occurred were it not for the revelations in May and June. But reform is not and cannot be, or become a fashion accessory.

We must avoid the temptation to jump on the Open Primary bandwagon but more importantly must move away from this culture of mistrust, second guessing and rubbishing of those who govern us. For if we don’t we shall rue the day.

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